Kenya Mission Trip Report 2017

On behalf of my family,I would like to express my profound gratitude to you,your friends and the Board Of Trustees of Christ Saves Ministries for finding me worthy and giving me the wonderful opportunity to revisiting Kenya and to labor in the Word and in prayer. I’m indebted to you…

I can confidently say that this trip was one of the most exciting I had undertaken over the years, though pretty rough at the beginning .

When I reached at Edmonton Airport prior to my journey,I was  almost denied boarding  a Toronto bound aircraft on the reason that “I did not possess a valid entry visa to Kenya’. Despite my insistence that Nigerian passport holders are given visas at the port of entry,they objected. As I was about returning to my house, ,one of the intending passengers who’s a diplomat told them that I was very right. Then they let me in.

I arrived Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on the 13th of August at about 10.20am, and into the waiting hands of Pastors Francis and Joshua who came  all the way from Kissi Town(about 8 hrs drive). They spent the previous night in Nairobi. From there, we were driven to Kissi by Francis son,Eric who’s also a Pastor.

It was a long drive as we arrived their village at about 7pm that night. Their village is the remotest part with rough and rocky roads. There was virtually no sign of light bulbs.

On Tuesday 15th,we  proceeded to a local Church in a remote area called Nyamasage. This Church is being pastored by Joshua. It’s located in the mountains 10 miles away from home. I was told that Joshua treks 15 miles to the Church,two times a week to teach truth to the people.There I shared with them the doctrine of Saving faith and the heart issue,Faith rest,The Resurrection of the Church.We divided time for each session. It was amazing by the level of response of people. Local meal were also provided.

On Wednesday 16th, we proceeded to another remote but very rough and mountainous area where another Church is located. It is about 25 miles away from home. I was told that Francis ministers to them fortnightly. The auditorium is muddy and shanty. There, we had two sessions where I ministered on the Saving Faith and Heart Issue, and Satanism. Everyone were happy and meals were served in the house of one of the elders of the Church. Because of the rough terrain,we were able to return to the house at night.

On Thursday 17th,We proceeded to another local Assembly ,this time about 2 hours drive. This Church is pastored by Ernest Kirera.Before our arrival,the members were seen on the road anxiously but patiently waiting. Though a kind of Pentecostals,I could notice their eagerness to learn doctrine. I was told that Ernest is gradually shifting his congregation into grace  doctrine.The elders and workers of the Church listened with excitement(and sometimes with spontaneous applause) as I communicated  the doctrine of Saving Faith and the Heart. What amazed me was the wonderful testimonies of some of the members who said they had no idea that they owed a debt which they could not pay, and they never knew Someone had paid their debt once and for all, and that all they needed to do was to accept the Saviour with all their hearts. Toward evening, I communicated to them the doctrine of the Resurrection of the Church.(Which they claimed they never heard before).Because of this teachings, the elders and workers promised that they were going to attend our Bible Conference the following day. It’s about 90 miles away from Francis and Joshua and I was told that Francis visits the Church always.

On Friday 18th-Sunday 20th,We had a conference in Pastor Francis local Church. It’s a small local Church with limited space. Their toilet facility is  inhuman. Villagers and some Pastors from other Churches were invited. There was an old widow with her grandchildren who trekked 20 miles in the rocky mountain to listen to us. I could see poverty written on her face but I was informed that she has been a source of encouragement to Pastor Joshua and even donated her land to the Church.
Saving faith and the heart issue/ The wonderful result of a true saving faith/The resurrection of the Church,and Satanism were presented in a wonderful way by the Holy Spirit that lots of the participants began to yearn for a  sound Bible College in their locality. Meals were served throughout the days.

On Monday 21st, We moved to another city, and in the house of one Mrs Josephine. It’s a 1 hours drive and about 70 miles away. Before our arrival,Josephine had invited some of her relations including her mother and some old women. I was emotionally moved seeing these old women in tattered dresses and without shoes or sandals. These people are members of Seven Days Adventists from childhood, and they have been brainwashed into believing that they are the remnants and by keeping the Sabbath, and ignoring Sunday worshippers, whom they claimed to have been given the mark of 666, they are assured of heaven. Josephine shared with us how she came in contact with Evangelist Scott and how’s her heart is turning away from legalism of the adventists into grace gospel. There before them all, I shared with them God’s wonderful saving grace and free offer of salvation to as many as would believe in Him with all their hearts. Immediately after my teaching, some of the women and men requested for our continuous visits. Before now, they have been taught to isolate themselves from Christian Sunday worshippers. Josephine was gracious as she served us with meals.Though a widow, she works with the Kenyan Marines.Â

On Tuesday 22nd, I travelled with Pastor Francis son and his friend to Nairobi in a hired car.It was a 7 hours drive to the capital. On the road, we were received by Francis’s senior son Eric who has his Church in the city. This brother took us to his house where we spent the night. The next day, he took me to his Church.

On Wednesday 23rd,We proceeded to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on my way back to Canada. Before we arrive Addis Ababa Airport, our aircraft bound for Toronto had left.

I must say without apology that in Pastors Joshua and Francis I found amazing polished characters.These guys are gentlemen who have passion for God and His Word. Though living in remote area with less than decent environment, they are worthy to be entrusted with the gospel.
While Francis travelled  tens of miles away to send and receives email messages,Joshua treks miles away in a mountainous rough and narrow roads to communicate truth.He never complains.Both have wonderful testimonies from the locals. Because of their hearts for the Lord, I had to give them all the money I have to making sure no one complains. Pastor Francis also has orphanage where he daily ministers to about 27 kids. These kids are living in a  less than decent aluminum house with 2 beds and  with lots of heat. I could see how impoverished everyone looks. Food is scarce while access to clean water is a mirage.

Attached herewith are some of the catching moments.

Again, Thanking you so much for the opportunity to serve in a local region.

All to His glory,

e glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. eternity. Amen.