Hello Royal Family!

Meeze and I made it back home after a few flights, all in one piece, God graced us out with traveling mercies and protection.

As you may know, we visited a total of 4 cities in the 2 weeks, with 3 different pastors we are now working with: pastor adams, pastor raja, and pastor babu.

All 3 are very committed to grace doctrinal truth and are sold out for the work of the Lord!
It is a privilege to work with them as they truly put their lives on the line every day, the overwhelming minority in their country of India, as Christianity is looked down upon and outnumbered by the Hindus.

Please keep these men in special prayer as they step out each day with the bold message of the gospel in the devil’s den!

We conducted teachings at the 2 bible colleges we support (adams’ and raja’s), and pastor babu has the desire to do the same to train pastors in his local village. At pastor babu’s we conducted a 2 days pastors conference where pastors from neighboring villages traveled to be with us. The overall response to the grace teachings of faith alone, and eternal security, was positive.

If you want to look on a map you can see where we visited. We first flew into the city of Chennai, drove to pastor babu’s near Amalapuram, then after a couple days we drove to pastor raja’s in Vijayawada, and then to the city of Guntur where pastor adams has one of his churches (we conducted 2 nighttime crusades there, and village gospel).

Then we drove to pastor adam’s home city of Kanigiri to spend time with his bible students and visit villages with the gospel!

I am confident the Lord brought some Hindus to His Name, and we were able to supply some convicting Bible doctrine to the believers.

We also recorded all teachings and were able to provide DVDs to all 3 pastors of all the teachings that went on in the different locations!

Meeze was a great help, with personal and technical support, and he also had the chance to speak a few times to share the gospel and encouragement!

Looking forward, we hope (elpis) to assist Pastor Adams print more salvation tracts (we hope to print 20,000 that he can also share with Raja and Babu).

They all are aggressive in village evangelism, driving into the hills and fields for miles to far away villages, boldly giving the gospel and passing out tracts.

This is one area I think we can really assist, as we have found men committed to being aggressive in bringing the gospel to the remotest parts of the earth! I would like to make sure they are never without written tracts to share at the villages! Please pray with me about that provision.

We also want to help pastor raja with his fuel cost expenses. He has the motorbike we helped him purchase last year, he just needs the gas to reach the villages on a consistent basis. Also pray for his sidekick pastor Joshua, a very committed man.

And with pastor babu we have another aggressive young man. He has been through several denominations seeking the Truth, and is so excited about learning the grace of Bible doctrine. He and his wife Sarah are well-equipped to reach many souls, and they just had their first son “Junior Scott”! how crazy is that? I am honored by that as they are true front-line servants of our Lord.

Thank you all for you support and prayers. You make a difference, and as a team we have been able to participate in a special area of the Lord’s service, seeking and saving the lost, and making disciples in all parts of the world!!

How exciting, and what a privilege we have been bestowed with.

God’s blessings to you all.

in Christ’s merits,
Scott R. Grande