First of all, thanks to our God and Savior Jesus Christ, for giving us the opportunity to go and spread His Good News. 1CO 3:5…




I have been honored to serve the Lord in evangelism and missionary work through CSM since 2005.

As most of you know, Michael and I just returned from 2 weeks in India.

I will attempt to share with you in 15 minutes what we experienced and are excited about.

More information is available upon request.

Despite stomach problems and mosquito challenges, which are really superficial, we had wonderful spiritual victories and good work done on behalf of our Lord in India.

This was our fifth time to India with Pastor Adams as our point man and guide.

His good work was evident once again, highlighted by seeing his 30 orphans living with them in his 200 square foot home,…

… and his 50 Bible students that meet on his roof several times per week.

Here’s a link to one of our videos, or the orphans singing together:

One thing the Indian people know about is how to maximize space!

And they don’t care about their personal space, being used to living elbow to elbow with one another, and doing so in the love of Christ.
It’s funny, one of our lessons taught in India was “The Visible Results of Saving Faith”,…

… and that’s exactly what we saw throughout our visit.

The greatest evidence is love as we know; God’s love, which is sacrificial in nature.

This was Michael’s first time to India and he was blown away by what he witnessed, particularly by the commitment in the lives of our 4 pastors in India.

They are sold out for the Gospel of our Lord, putting their own lives aside to teach others and to reach the lost with the Good News!

Pastors Adams, Raja, Joshua and Babu all had some time with us, and all 4 of them continue to live out the Great Commission,…

… eagerly reaching out to remote villages, as we have known them to do for the last 8 – 10 years now.

We also just had another 50,000 salvation tracts printed, which Pastor Adams divides among them all.

Typically 50,000 tracts are distributed throughout Hindu villages over a 6 month period.

We also had the chance to participate in “Village Gospel” in some of the slum areas.

We passed out salvation tracts, and often were asked by people to be prayed for.

The financial and health problems they have are so many.

Things we can take care of simply in America they simply cannot.

It was a privilege to pray for them and give them hope in the name of Jesus Christ.

We probably prayed for over 100 people throughout the 2 weeks of events.

Our activities included 3 main types; teaching at Bible schools during the day, Village Gospel in the late afternoons in the slums, and a some small Crusade events at night.

By God’s grace, we had the chance to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with hundreds of people, as well as teaching the Word of God to many eager believers.

But when teaching, the subject and approach varied depending on the audience. (I brought a variety of lessons and asked the Spirit to lead on what to teach)

The challenge in missionary work is finding people in other countries whose hearts are sold out for the Lord and His will to seek and save the lost. Luk 19:10 My belief in these men of God has once again been boosted, and reaffirmed by Michael’s eye-witness, and we would like to go forward with them as never before, taking it to the next level.

We have some wonderful things in mind that will advance the Gospel at a rapid pace before our Lord’s return! (I really do think we are in the midst of a great revival throughout the world right now)

But again, what stood out on this trip is the outstanding quality of the men of God we’ve been blessed to work with.

Their #1 priority is spreading the Gospel.

That’s why as part of their Bible school training, of which there are 6, they take the students out a couple times a week to the villages to pass out tracts and share the Gospel.

The great purpose of the Great Commission isn’t lost on them, as it is with many churches in America.

It all begins with good training in the Word, and they use many of our lessons on the fullness of the Gospel.

One of the things we are most excited about is a program to sponsor the graduates as evangelists and missionaries.

We can sponsor an evangelist or pastor for only $25/month, and our leaders will choose the ones most dedicated to their calling,…

… and this will allow them to feed their families and do Gospel work full time.

Most of them have a great desire to not only spread the Gospel in remote Hindu villages, but also to plant churches there and teach and bring up the new sheep.

Please pray about your participation with us. Ask the Spirit how He wants you to be involved.

The time is short, and we are so confident in these men as front-line carriers of the Gospel.

Join with us as we put our own lives aside, as they have been, and help them do things that have been on their heart for a long time, to the glory of God alone. (You can see several videos from our trip on Youtube; just go there and search for “Christ Saves Ministries, Scott Grande”)
Here are some of the top priorities that we would like to help with going forward.

CSM Ministry Needs:

  • Gospel Vans for India Pastors – $7500 each for 3 Pastors. ($7500 donated for one van for Pastor Adams. THANK YOU!)
  • 315 total Telugu Bibles requested by our 4 Pastors, for Hindu converts throughout their areas. Cost only $3 each at The Bible Society in Hyderabad.
  • Sponsor an Indian Evangelist! – $25/month helps one of our Bible school graduates feed his family to do Gospel work full-time! – Name, photo, and testimony will be provided for daily prayer. (4 sponsored so far; THANK YOU!)
  • Sponsor an Indian orphan! – only $10/month/orphan. Pastor Adams would like to take in another 15 children already awaiting their loving home. – Name and photo will be provided for daily prayer.
  • Sponsor a Indian widow! – $20/month/widow. (we still have 7 widows to sponsor out of 10) – Name and photo will be provided for daily prayer.

We have a chance to make a difference in people’s lives and help save some souls!

And we are blessed to be so confident in the men we have there on the ground, whom we’ve been working with for 8-10 years now.

Let’s help them live in their callings and fulfill the Great Commission, caring for orphans and widows along the way.
(what do you think will happen if we support an evangelist’s family?? they have the heart to take in orphans, if they only have the means)

Thank you for your prayers and support!

I pray this changes your perspective on your life in America, and your purpose in the big picture of the Great Commission.

The Lord may be coming back soon for His bride.

May we be found with our chins up, doing His work and eagerly awaiting His return.

Signs of the Times:

Lk 21:28 “But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

May none of us be found asleep at His coming!

Love in Christ,
