As Encouraged By Jesus

Intimacy-With-The-Father PDF

Matthew chapter 6, if read from this perspective, can be seen as Jesus pleading with us to trust God the Father.

He is in essence saying “God is good, a good Father who cares about you terribly. Look at the evidences even in life itself.”

Jesus’ great desire is for us to be intimate with the Father, just as He is.

He gives us example after example of why we should be trusting the Father with the pure faith of a child whose relying on his Dad to take care of him. Why wouldn’t he, especially if He’s perfect? Mt 5:48

You don’t need anyone to walk you through Mt 6 and teach you this. You need to read it with the faith of a child.

Humbly go to the Word and read it, asking the Spirit to open your eyes. Try reading it 3 times in a row and see what He shows you.

We are promised that if we seek Him, we will find Him, when we seek Him with all our hearts. Jer 29:13

Enjoy the love and care of the Father!