First of all, thanks to our God and Savior Jesus Christ, for giving us the opportunity to go and spread His Good News. 1CO 3:5




On behalf of my family and Bible Doctrine Ministries Canada, I wish to express my profound gratitude to the President and the Board of Christ Saves Ministries, Rhodes Island, United States for the encouragement, prayer and financial support to making my mission trips to Nigeria and Kenya a reality. Special thanks goes to God Almighty for the Spirit and the courage to accomplish His purpose.


I arrived Port-Harcourt International Airport Nigeria on the 8th of November at about 8:55pm after 23 hours flight and immediately proceeded to the City where I spent the night.(The city is largely populated with lots of vehicle traffic). I used the following day to recuperate and get used to time difference between both sides of the divide.

On Saturday 10th of November, I had a protracted meeting with the elders and administrators of Faith Alone In Christ Alone Bible Church where issues of concerns were raised and finalized. The meeting afforded me the opportunity of meeting Pastor Cypril Antwi for the first time. Treats were provided and served. I could notice the zeal and willingness of everyone to get the Gospel going.

Sunday 11th November, I communicated the Word of God to the congregation at Faith Alone In Christ Alone Bible Church. So excited to see most of the folks I used to shepherd when I was in Africa.

Tuesday November 13th, I boarded a flight from Port-Harcourt to Lagos for Kenya, East Africa.


I arrived Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi, in the early hour of November 14th and into the waiting hands of Pastors Joshua and Francis Yeye. These men had traveled over 8 hours by road the previous night to ensuring meeting me on time at the airport. Together with Francis’s son Eric we drove down all the way to Kisii village (8 hours drive) where they reside.

The following morning, I visited Francis’s compound to see his wife and the orphanage after which both Pastors and I had a brief meeting concerning my itinerary while in Kenya. His wife was sick and was complaining of heart pain. I was also shown the copy of X Ray conducted on her. Please keep her in your prayer.

The Orphans are doing pretty well too. The same day, several Pastors from neighboring villages who were informed of my coming trooped into Pastor Joshua’s house to hear me teach. They refused to give me breathing space until the darkest night. Their enthusiasm were overwhelming.

From Friday16- Sunday 18th November, I was in Francis’ local Church(In his village) with Pastor Joshua where I taught on “Spiritual growth”, and the “Resurrection of the Church”. Many people attended the event including Pastor Francis affiliate Churches. Some of them had to sleep in nearby homes to ensure regular attendance. The most surprising thing is that after our dismissal in the Church, these people even follow me to my room in Joshua’s house eager to hear more of truth. They never quit. There was no breathing space for me.

November 19th, We visited two Churches within Kissi and Ogembo neighborhood where I communicated Truth on “Discernment”. In one of those Churches, I had the privilege of meeting one of the members, a lady who is an Olympic marathon runner. She narrated to me how she was regenerated and how the love of Christ has kept her going in her quest to beat the world marathon record holder.

November 20th, we revisited another Church near the border between Kissi and the Masai Mara. The Masai tribe are typical nomadic people and who had maintained their culture spanning 3,000 years. They occupy a vast land extending to Tanzania and Uganda. They are known for hunting lions and killing them with spears. I was able to meet one of them who came to that Church to hear to teach. Immediately after my salvation message, he approached me through an interpreter to inform me that he had accepted Christ with all his heart. The sad thing about this event is that after eating their local food, I developed a stomach issue that has persisted up to this very day.

November 21st, I hired a vehicle that took me to Nairobi for my departing flight to Nigeria. The trip was so rough that the Kenyan Police extorted money from us on the allegation that the driver was “over-speeding”. After we left the police post, our vehicle developed a major fault on the road. Several unsuccessful attempts were made to repair it. As the day were getting darker and more dangerous, we pulled the vehicle to a nearby gas station but we were again extorted. By dent of a miracle, we managed to take the car to Eric’s house in Nairobi suburb. I couldn’t sleep that night because of crazy invasion by mosquitoes and untold heat wave. It was a nightmare.

November 22nd, I had to hire another vehicle that took me to Nairobi Airport to ensure that I didn’t miss my early morning flight to Lagos Nigeria.


November 24th, I traveled to Abuja Nigeria by road on the invitation of a local Church to communicate Truth. Nigerian roads are very deplorable.

November 26th, I returned to Port-Harcourt. It was a 11 hour journey by road.

November 27th, I taught in Faith Alone In Christ Alone Bible Church regular Tuesday Bible Study.

November 28th, I went to the State of Imo where I visited my aged mother who was kidnapped the same day in 2017. I haven’t seen her since 2015. It was an awesome reunion. Please keep her in your prayers too.

November 29th, I traveled to Orlu to visit my In law .

November 30th to December 1st 2018, I taught Truth in Faith Alone In Christ Alone Bible Church Port-Harcourt .

December 3rd, I left Port-Harcourt International Airport Nigeria for Canada.

Again, I remain indebted to you for your support. You’ve been a major stakeholder in God’s vineyard. My prayer is that you been enriched in every good thing for the glory of God alone.

Your servant,


Dear Sir,

In regard to my recent mission trips, I would like to submit my honest appraisals regarding these;
1. Pastor Joshua and Francis are doing pretty good. While Joshua is fast advancing in truth, it appears that Francis gravitate on Charismatic movement. He seems to pay less attention to the Scriptures. They need encouragement though.
2. The washroom for the Church has been constructed.
3. Francis village Church appears like a ghost place, no activity is going on there but I was told that the doors are opened on Sundays only.
4. Francis wife is sick of heart related issue. Not too serious though.
5. Pastor Joshua’s toilet facility is worrisome. It’s a pit system of a medieval period and an unhealthy one not fit for a decent person. Until something is urgently done to it, I do not think I’ll hang on in his house anymore. It’s a stone- age type. His house is not cemented and his floor is dusty that one can be infested with jiggers.
6. Pastor Joshua has a car that we could repair and use. This could save us with lots of money used in hiring cars. According to him, it will take about $500 to fix it.
7. Pastor Francis’ brother Moses who used to Pastor one of the Churches is in dire need of help. His wife parked all his belongings and absconded while he was at work as a security guard. This guy is very faithful in Truth but he’s passing through challenging period. His teaching ministry is affected because he works 7 days per week and had no more time for the Church. He told me he need a little fund to start up a business.
8. Most of the Churches I visited and most of the people who came for bible conference had no bibles. When I inquired, I was told they were eager to have one but lack the funds. There’s need for bible distribution in Swahili language.
9. The people are looking forward to your visits as there are deep hunger for truth in every place I visited. They keep asking when they might have you.
10. I gave extra money to making sure everything went well (car hiring, police, food etc.)

Thanks a lot.




The Church in Nigeria urgently need a fairly used laptop to help them with powerpoint presentation during their Bible classes. The few believers out there are advancing but lack the funds to acquire it. They have a projector already. If you could present this request, that would be a great help.

Also they need additional chairs as the ones they have are grossly inadequate. An extra $100 -$150 could help.
